Friday, January 18, 2013

Chinese American Citizens Alliance

Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) was founded in 1895. Its original name was Native Sons of the Golden State. Its original intent was for purposes of fellowship and mutual protection because of the hostile social environment against Chinese immigrants at that time in the United States, particularly in California.

According to Mabel Lum Lew, in 1904 her father, Walter Lum and his friends Ng Gunn and Lum Joe Gay, reactivated the Native Sons of the Golden State. By 1915, a large number of Chinese both in California and outside of California are became interested in the organization. A new charter was taken out and the name changed to CACA. Mabel says that her father was elected first Grand President.

"To empower Chinese Americans, we promote American citizenship, practice responsible patriotism, pursue the highest ethics, morals and values of the community, preserve historical and cultural traditions, and provide youth education."

The modern CACA's vision is "for every Chinese American to be a fulfilled American citizen with an equal opportunity to discover and enjoy the American way of life."

For more information on CACA, go to

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