Forbidden Citizens

Forbidden Citizens: Chinese Exclusion and the U.S. Congress, A Legislative History was published in 2012, written by Martin B. Gold.
Martin B. Gold was born in 1947 and is a partner with the law firm of Covington & Burling. He is a member of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, and was instrumental in the Commission recognizing in 2008 Feng Shan Ho (1912-1997). Mr. Ho was the Chinese Consul-General in Vienna, Austria, from 1938-1940 who issued visas to Jews against the order by his government not to get involved.

In the Introduction of Forbidden Citizens, the author talked about his grandfather, a Jew who escaped religious persecution in Tsarist Russia in 1908. His grandfather found work in the garment industry and eventually owned his own business. He wrote that had his grandfather been Chinese, he would not have been admitted to the U.S. And if he had, he would have been denied the opportunities available to European immigrants.
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